Category Archives: politics

Joe Six-Pack? Live updates from the VP Debate.

So the average American is now known as “Joe Six-Pack.”

We’re all alcoholics? Hockey moms? Sure, it’s a big thing in Alaska and she’s used to it, but come on.

That’s all I have, just..Joe Six-Pack? Seriously?

Oy…I have a feeling…

… I was going to say “have a feeling I’d be updating this as the night goes on,” but…

Palin just said that a $5,000 tax credit to individuals “won’t cost the government anything.”

Well, that’s $5,000 per family that the government will not receive, therefore – not receiving five grand per family.

Biden just ripped her apart on that, too – well played, Joe. “That’s what I call the Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere” remark – I laughed. Hard.

And Scranton got a shout-out. I live there. w00t!

Update from 9:25pm to 9:28 pm

Any question that deals with the economy? Palin refers to “Wall Street.” Good thing I’m not playing the VP debate drinking game.

Update from 9:28-9:40


“The chant is drill baby, drill.” And we hear it all across America at our rallies.” Senator O’Biden. Wow.


“A comment made in a ropeline was taken out of context.” Good, that’s cleared up. I’ll look for the full quote.

“Do I support same-sex benefits? ABSOLUTELY…It’s what the Constitution calls for…are gained the same Constitutional rights as heterosexual couples.”

Palin (about same-sex marriage and the like):

“…Not if it grows closer and closer to redefining marriage in America between a man and a woman, then no.”

She just stumbled all over her comeback.


“Will all due respect, I didn’t hear a plan. John McCain voted [with Obama] against funding the troops because there was a timeline.”

“John McCain…there is no end in sight to end this war.”


“Your plan is a white flag of surrender for our troops in Iraq. The surge works. Knowing again that we’re closer and closer to that end; that end that is in sight.”

Palin just called out “dangerous dictators” on being, well, crazy, not sane, and unstable. Wow. Awesome foreign diplomacy right there.

I’ll update this later on; possibly on a new post – I’m going to ‘enjoy’ the next half-hour away from my PC.


Filed under news, politics

Planned Parenthood donations in Palin’s name – Irony to the Nth degree

Now [this] is irony (and a bit of comedy for a good cause, as well):

People making donations to Planned Parenthood in honor of Sarah Palin.

Now, Palin is a starch anti-abortionist who not only made rape victims PAY for their rape kits, but she is also against abortions in the case of incest or rape, going so far as to tell people that had her own daughter been raped, she should not support an abortion.

The quote of the article lies at the bottom; from a Jeff Sadosky a communications director for theĀ  McCain camp: “This crass political stunt is yet another reminder that the Barack Obama campaign and its surrogates has given up on the ‘new politics of hope’ that they were so proud of a few short months ago.”

How Obama’s name even came into this I’ll never know, but hey, this is America; I guess overly-broad umbrella-like generalizations are ok, so long it’s not against you / your candidate / your cause / your beliefs. After all, screw everyone else, [you] are always right (I hate the saying, but no pun intended).

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Filed under humor, news, politics

FOX News knocks down McCain campaign’s “Obama wants to teach sex ed to kindergartners” claim

This genuinely suprised me when I first saw it.

I mean, it still does, but it suprised me then, too.

FOX News’ Megyn Kelly had some very poingient questions for McCain’s spokesperson…The video, as well as the full transcript, is in the link below. It’s worth the click.

Link from the Huffington Post


Filed under politics